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Suggestions On How To Work From Home More Effectively

  • Create a specific workspace. Create an area for you to work in - somewhere you can concentrate in and equipped with everything you require to carry out a productive working day.

  • Make certain you have all your technology requirements available and working to enable your work day to be successful and also make sure you have your IT guys ‘on call’ ready to assist (just in case!). 

  • Create a daily checklist. Set out a list of specific, measurable and achievable goals to help keep you more focused.

  • Sounds obvious, but get dressed. Changing into formal clothes will help you psychologically click into a more productive work mode.

  • Maintain a healthy work / life balance - Try to avoid ‘blurring the whole picture’.

  • Keep communicating. Whether you are the CEO or further down the chain, it is imperative that you keep up communications regularly with your employees, colleagues, team members e.t.c. Don’t let people forget you and don’t let you forget them!

  • Maintain and create new relationships. Find the time for non-work related conversations as you would in the workplace and use video calling to cultivate face-to-face contact.

  • Have clarity in your communication. Speaking face-to-face in person provides you with more than just visual and audio intelligence that helps you communicate. Speaking remotely dilutes some of that ‘extra something’, so make sure your communications are particularly clear and concise.

Why not make the most of ‘you’ and accelerate your productivity and success while working remotely? Get in touch to discuss your goals, the scope of your requirements, and your desired outcomes. We would be delighted to help.